Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tokiohotelofficial.ning.com members!!!!!!

Kay, well on case ur wondering, i lost my metwork card so i am unable to update everythobg easily. Sorry for tje typos, my ipod cant keep up with my ninja typing fingers:) i will get everyting fixed sooner or later... Lolz. Im so freakin lazy:D well any ways yeah... Welcome to my bloggy. Nobody freaking reads this. :(( the world hates me!!! Jkjk welll tall 2 yall later!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Complaint! Gym Class...

Okays! Well, I have a complaint.
Physical Education.
What about it, you may ask? Well I'll TELL you!
Physical Education? It sucks. And it is unneeded! Why do we have to go to gym? It should be an elective! Seriously! If its obesity that the Gov. is worried about, I'm pretty sure gym was around long before Obesity! So I did some research... I went to the almighty Google.com and in the search box i typed in 'when did obesity become a problem in america' and hit search. I clicked one of the first links that came up and it brought me to a site called The post-gazette. It says and i quote- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that about six out of 10 Americans were either overweight or obese. Furthermore, the prevalence of obesity almost doubled from about 15 percent in 1980 to 27 percent in 1999. If the Gov thinks that having some kids throw a ball around and run for about 30-45 min. a day and they are gonna be anorexically skinny, they really need to think things through. If the government wants everyone to be buff, let the people get buff on their own time! I get plenty of exercise on the weekends! Like shopping! It takes alot to walk aimlessly through the mall. Well... maybe not that much, but still. They took out my art classes to replace it with spanish! (also and uneeded class) And let me tell you, i was POed! And gym is a danger to our health! We were playing kickball the other day (and our middle school guys are MEAN when it comes to that game) and one of my friends got hit in the balls 4 times! FOUR FREAKING TIMES!!! And i fell back into the corner of a brick wall! My parents thought i had a concussion!(but i didnt... This was upsetting to me for that could have been an excuse to stay out of gym)
Did you know, that if i played WiiFit for 30 min. i would have enough points to make up for a missed gym class!What ever though. The government doesnt care about us american families... All they care about is Obama and letting in illegal mexican immigrants.



So, my name is Sam! I figured that I'd start this off with a little info about who i am and what I stand for. I a m13 and I live in Wisconsin. My fave color is navy blue, i prefer brownies to cake, and muffins to cupcakes. I am an Atheist. I am White. I am part Swedish and part Norweigen. My favorite side of the family is my dads side. I have a manic depressive disorder, and i am a little OCD. I hate talking on the phone and as of this second( as i tpe these words) I have a tummy ache.(due to eating a gallon of Rainbow Sherbet).
I've always wanted to get my thoughts/words/opinions out into the world and i was reading MyHusbandIsAnnoying(the (awesome) blog) and it hit me. Blogging. Although probably no one will read this, oh well....
So im going to be talking about my opinions on certain topics, and sharing some of my writings. (Yes, I'm a writer)
If you've got any ideas, or want me to talk about something in particular, email me at...
Yes i made an email for it! :) well, bbye!